Although Apple’s new iPad Air might look familiar for those who remember the 10.5-inch iPad Pro from two years ago, it is a brand-new mid-tier tablet between the entry-level iPad and the high-end Pro models.
Krisztián Vértes
Read moreWith Wacom’s Companion, it is possible to use a digital photograph instead of a printed enlargement for the drawing background, “penciling” directly onto the digital image in the presence of the inscribed wall surface.
Krisztián Vértes
Read moreJust a few years ago it wouldn’t have occurred to me to take my precious laptop to the temple, however in the last couple of years I grew accustomed to having the benefits of accessing desktop applications when working on certain field projects.
Krisztián Vértes
Read moreIn the second part of my introduction regarding using full-fledged desktop software in the field, I’d like to elaborate on the importance of creating the best possible workflow for our documentation needs.
Krisztián Vértes
Read moreIn the fall of 2007, when I began working at Chicago House, there were several hundred unregistered loose fragments scattered about the Medinet Habu temple precinct, some of them inscribed and lying face down on the ground, already showing advanced signs of deterioration caused by groundwater and salt.
Júlia Schmied
Read moreThe chapter by chapter web version of the book, Digital Epigraphy, written by Krisztián Vértes in 2014, explaining the basic procedures of the Survey’s ever-changing digital documentation method, is now extended with digital fieldwork and an exciting new case study.
By Krisztián Vértes and the Epigraphic Survey
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